Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 11

Before I begin this blog, I need to clear up my days here. I blogged on Friday but for some reason it didn't post until Saturday. I didn't blog yesterday and now I am today. I goofed but I am still trying to stay on track.

This is my cat Diego. He is 16 years old. He has been with me since I lived in Texas in 1995. We have seen good times and bad times. He has loved me without condition. He has snuggled with me when I have been sad or sick.
These days Diego has slowed down quite a bit. In this picture he was only about 9. Full and healthy. A 20 pounds cat when he was at his prime. Never fat, mind you, just big.
He has moved everywhere with me. He sat on the dashboard of a moving truck for three days when I moved from Texas to Seattle. He has been through children pulling his tail and dogs invading his space. He has lost his kitty sister, Frida, 5 years ago.
These days he is an old man. He walks slow and limps up and down the stairs. He sleeps more than usual and has a hard time breathing. I know his days are coming to and end and it breaks my heart to know I will looses a dear friend soon. His quality of life is good. He takes no meds nor needs any special handling. I know the day will come when that is no longer true and I will need to make the very very hard decision...
Until that day, we will snuggle a little more. I will give him all the petting he desires.

Peace Out

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last Meal

When I get together with folks, the conversation always turns to food talk. One of my favorite questions to ask people is, what would be you last meal?
Yes, as in, if you were on death row and they let you request your last meal, what would it be?
Mine would be...

Chicken Fried Steak with cream gravey
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans made with bacon
Big fat buttery rolls
and a Diet Coke

What would yours be?

Good Grubbin'!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rigatoni with a Bolognese Cream Sauce

This is a first post with me using pictures. I am not quite sure at this time how I plan to go forward. Do I post the recipe? Do I post the pictures? I am not sure at this point. I have a lot of marbles rolling around on the subject. Any suggestions? Let me know!

Good Grubbin'!

First Post

I love food. I really love food.
I have started this blog to talk about my love for food.
I'll cook for you. That's how I show my love for you.
This is gonna be fun!

Good Grubbin!